August 2012 - Morris Dancing, Green Gathering, and Claire’s Birthday

August is the time when Stonehenge is awash with tourists, ice creams are selling fast, families head for the beach and Druids like everyone else look forwards to sociable times; BBQ’s, harvest, music and friends.

Morris Dancing at Wickham:

Frank attended the Wickham folk festival in Hampshire and was delighted to find that the Morris Dancers had turned out in force, not just to bless the festival stage, but also generously entertaining the little market town square also. So ‘English culture is dead’ they say...

Left, 10 minutes of amazing English folk dance with roots so ancient no-one truly knows the origins. I’ld say that English culture is alive and kicking!!!

Above and Left, the ol’ Druid Caravan makes its summer appearance after a spring clean and Bex waits for the kettle to boil. The site is on a fresh cut corn field, don’t ware sandals, the stiff stems can hurt!

The little Green Gathering

The ‘LGG’ is held at the sustainability centre in Hampshire, it is the gathering of the southern Green Party members. There is camping, community, great music, great food, great company, great debate and talks concerning green activism. Frank was invited as a guest last year to fascilitate a folk ceremony ‘druid style’ which went down very well. This year the organisers asked if Frank would lead the spiritual side of the LGG, lead several circles, talks and workshops throughout the weekend.

Left: setting up the sacred space in the woods on the opening Friday. Circles would be held there at 9 am every morning of the gathering, and at midnight on the Saturday. Frank reported back that the people at the gathering this year were extra special, and how deeply moved he has been by the warmth of their welcome and openness to what he had to share with them.

On the midnight ceremony, lit just barely by candlelight, at the time of raising and focusing energy, even the trees joined in, with those immediately above russelling whilst the further parts of the wood remained still. It was a ‘welcoming inclusive atmosphere, nothing scary about it at all, just mother nature joining in’ Frank said.

He gave a talk about our cultural exchange and brotherhood with the Amauta and how this had led to our spiritual accord. John took part also and gave a beautiful input with his harp. In our closing rite on Sunday, an offering of harp music was made by rotating the circle.

We would like to give a huge thanks to Tim, the Green Party members and the other religious groups present for putting on such a great event and being willing to welcome a Druid to share the old traditions with you all. Thanks!

Claire’s Birthday

Over the years, as a small grove and community we have faced many struggles, challenges and exciting and sometimes spiritually meaningful moments together and we are all good friends. There are some friends who when you are with them, you feel that you can be entirely yourself, you are with your soul family. These are the people you trust, care about and would go to the ends of the earth to help if they were in any need.

One of these dear ones is Claire. Claire’s Birthday was on Sunday, but to help get her celebrations started some of us decided to meet up with her in Glastonbury on the Saturday just because we wanted to enjoy her company and let her know how special she is to us. here are some pics, really just for those grove members who were there to enjoy and those who had to be far away to feel a share in.

Happy Birthday Claire!!!!!!

Glastonbury Tor

The Birthday Girl